The Awakened Twin Flame Soul: Void and Shadows of Self Part 2

The Awakened Twin Flame Soul: Void and Shadows of Self Part 2 by Master Lady Diamond Jennifer Lucas 12/17/2017

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     This is the continuation of my previous article which I attempted to explain how I have reached The Abyss of my core for more Self Mastery. As I have stated previously, before I begin my writings, I call in my Almighty I AM Presence to speak from intuition (LOVE), to transmit understanding (WISDOM), and to stand in Christ Consciousness (POWER). This is known as The Three-fold Flame. Through Embodiment of these three main Flames of Source, integration of my Sovereign Template, has begun.

    I have known for many years now, that I am Ascending into Higher Dimensional states of Being. With the love and light of MotherFather God, I am able and well endowed to emit my own illuminated Soul for everyone to see. There is nothing I am afraid to show. Nothing at all! In fact, I AM going to put my Self on blast and call Me out on all this shit!!! Are We Ready?! I AM! Me too! Shadow Self, runs and tries to hide.

Me: Where the FUCK, you think you’re running off to?

Shadow Self: I don’t know. I cant stand being in The Spotlight.

As I see her crouching down so neglectfully facing the corner in shame, I went to her. I knelt down and placed my hand upon her shoulder.

Me: Don’t you want to reveal your best potentials? Don’t you want to show the world who you truly are? Don’t you know that you are the creator of all you think, say, and do? You know all these things, yet you haven’t grasp it’s understanding.

Shadow Self: Yes, I want to do all these things, but I don’t know how to begin. I been  hiding in Shadow for so long, I have forgotten what it feels like to be seen.

Me: All you have to do is know that I AM HERE. You are not alone in this dark place. Love is always with you and will warm that cold, hard, neglected, abused, rejected, abandoned heart of yours.

Shadow Self: You Are really here for Me?

Me: Yes, I AM!

      As my I AM is embracing my Shadow, I am able to retrieve every hidden secret, forbidden emotions, forgotten memories of then and even now, The Repressed Sexual Beast, and every Soul Wound of Past and Present. I understand why I made it here this far into my Abyss. I also know after I’m healed inside this Abyss, Illumination and Divine Balance will come. I know that this will Infuse me into an Equilibrium State of Being. So, until I AM completely opened up like a can of sardines, (I HATE sardines), I’m going to where I have never gone before.

    My journey of Awakening is so bitter-sweet, I can taste every tingle and tang of my soul nourishment that feeds me all the sweet delishesness as well as the putrid sourness of life’s experiences. I have witnessed my Self through these years change into forms of Me I never knew I was capable of. I have come to identify with the things I discovered I was, AM, and always will be, ME.

     I AM a true bonified Twin Flame going through each of these stages of Self Realizations and Acknowledgements, which opens my Sovereign Template, bringing back to my Soul’s Original Authenticity. I had to climb a extremely high mountain to reach my Light. Now, I must dive extremely deep to reach my Dark. My Higher Self has shown Me that I can go anywhere and do anything. There is no limit to what I AM capable of. I AM constantly reminds Me of that. This is why I know I can go to this place and be cradled inside the Love of Source. 

     Almighty I AM Presence of Violet Flame, descend over and into me now, as I travel into where I am being guided now. As I’m taken down, I feel the denseness begin to enclose in on me. A pressure from within. That familiar sense of heaviness in my field. I stand in here knowing that I AM protected ready to face every Filthy Ugly Monstrous Shadow I have, that has tortured and haunted my Soul for eons.

     Inside the very deep midnight purple Darkness of Void, I AM shown The Mirror of Reflection. It begins showing Me every face I have ever been, that has never seen the Light of my days, EVER! I heard the song, The Sound of Silence from Disturbed as he sings, Hello Darkness my ol’ friend! I’ve come to talk with you again! The Voices of Me I never heard, for they have been repressed for eons of lifetimes.The Veil of Illusion begins to fall away from Me, as I AM review an explosion of  images from The Mirror of Reflection.

     The Games I had played. I see life’s of me who had played the part of lair, hater, manipulator, con, traitor, victimizer, raper, killer, ect. Viewing every fucked up thing that I have done to others. How many fucked up times was I these things? Who the fuck was there to save you from me? Who was the one to come and put me in my fucking place? How could I ever agree to be these things and why would I ever choose to have such a terrible fucking experience? Where was The Guiding Light of God then to over shine me, just to let me know, that I was not alone? It really was during times of Evil. Did I not have a heart? Where was my Love?

My Soul weeps.

     The Hell I had to pay back to The Wheel of Karma. Did I create all this hell? Well, hell yeah. I know I did. I created hell here on earth. Yep, It was Me, who chose to be here with all of you to co-create everything WE ARE NOT. We all live in every Hell we create. I’m told, we don’t need to be This Hell anymore. We are at End Times Prophecy where everything changes into New Earth and New Heaven. I know now, why I AM here and why I was being all those things of Hell. I know now, how all of this is just to play, The Game of Experience.

  The Anger carried through every incarnation, is now screaming at Me to acknowledge her, so I can give her the Understanding and Compassion she has yearned for, through all her lives.

The Trauma stored within her body and psyche, is in so much turmoil and pain. Every Opened wound is spewing an ocean of blood, awaiting to be mended and healed with Tenderness and Care. I now Realize and Acknowledge, that it was Me, who did all this to my Self.

I AM Sorry. Please Forgive Me. I Love You. Thank You.

Through Love, I healed The Wounds of Past and Present.

The Repressed Sexual Beast. It is chained up, tied down, and violently raging inside a beaten, filthy, nasty, dirty, naughty, twisted cage called Repression. In here, there is no damsel-in-distress. No one who has a key to unlock it. No one to reach in a hand to soothe it. No one to release the Beast in this cage here, but Me.

Finally, I walk through The Mirror of Reflection as I AM facing the most beautiful terrifying aspect of my Shadow Self. The Truth. Will I reveal to you everything I have kept secret and hidden inside this cage? Will I tell you that I AM The Beast? You better Fucking know it! I AM in Love with Me so much, that I AM ready to open wide up and release her NOW. I have never set her free. I don’t know how she will react or respond. Everything about her, is right here. Opened, Exposed, and Transparent. Freed from the Bondage of The Abyss, I AM RESURRECTED! I AM Reborn from the Sacred Eternal Love of The Void. When I come out of The Void, I know I will be as I never was before. I am ready to be everything to my self and all others. I will shine this Diamond Heart as Magnificently and brilliantly as I can muster. I will guide you through The Void where absolutely nothing matters in Love and everything else is Illuminated in Light.

So, inside The Void I become the greatest version of Me as a Master of The Universe, I become The Greatest Superhero and save my Self. To Complete Me within everything I AM and Always Will Be.

I leave you now with my Anthem. Hero of The Day by Metallica!

I love each and every one of you just as you are.

A Diamond in The Dark. Keep Shining! 

    Master Lady Diamond







The Awakened Twin Flame Soul: Void and Shadows of Self

The Awakened Twin Flame Soul: Void and Shadows of Self 

by Master Lady Diamond Jennifer Lucas 12/15/2018

Disclaimer:  I am blunt as fucking hell, brutally honest, straight forward, awesome as fuck, non sugar-coated, transparent, bad-ass Goddess warrior here! Yes, Ego is placed in back pocket! I am becoming a sovereign being as my fire energy of passion is and can be very potent and overwhelming for most. It’s even extremely hard for me to settle into it at times. Once I do though, I’m humbled into it. So, until my entire world embodies my Highest Self, I will be going through my ascension. This includes opening portals for major shifts, downloads, integrations, initiations, called the embodiment of my Over-Soul. 

My personality and humor is raw, twisted, wild, unedited, and uncensored. This Beast can not be caged nor can ever be tamed. So, with this being said, I AM WHO I AM. I honor everything I AM and out of this honor, I accept the same in you as you do the same for me. Golden Rule numbero uno, Do unto others as it will be done unto you. So, if you cant take the heat from God’s fire in me, then find a way to stand inside your own. I am a hard ass with a heart of gold. Inside that is my Diamond Soul shining for everyone to see. I suggest that you stay the fuck away, until you can stand inside it with your own fucking self. I love each and everyone of you as my equal. I am not above nor below you. Let’s travel this journey together and evolve into our Greatest Grandest Master Self. This is my Mission and passion as a twin flame soul, to awaken each of you into your own I AM PRESENCE. Why? It is my divine servitude to do so. Because, I GOTTA!!! Now, that I have separated the wheat from the sheaf, let’s begin.

 Beloved Diamonds, 

For those who don’t know me yet, and even to the few that do, may I introduce you all to Me, My Self, I AM.

I heard Sananda just now say, “Come with me, and be Masters of Soul. Through Me, you can resurrect your own Light.” 

I love it when he takes my hand!

Before I begin any writing, I call my Almighty I AM Presence down here to me through The Tube of Light, which descends The Fire of Creation Seven-Fold Flame, into my Sacred Heart where my Three Fold Flame of God is located. I know that was a mouth full. I spit out downloads left middle and right. You had already been pre-warned.

 The Shadows of Self

     Inside the depths of Self, lays a seemingly never ending path to where we as twin souls usually don’t go, until it becomes absolutely imperative to be taken there. I am standing in my own power unafraid to face that deep dark place of long forgotten memories and hidden secrets. I am digging way down into that mysterious place of my Soul. That abyss of my inner self, I never thought I would have to bring up to the surface, until now. The Shadow.

     I was Awaken as a twin flame soul on January 10th 2015, which was a bitter-sweet day that changed me for the rest of my lifetime and forever. That story is a book or three, all by its self. I’ll go ahead and save that for another moment.

     I must add here as a side note: I was communing with a Twin Ray Sister and we were reflecting on memory. I realized that I never told her my Twin Flame Story. I was playing the scene of me typing out a wish list to the universe. I asked Universe to send me an angel love of my life, My One. I remember the knock at the door while I was still writing. I opened the door and I saw my own reflection as I saw the eyes to the center of my core. Back then, I couldn’t grasp what that was. I realized that seeing him for the first time in this life was the instant I began finding me. I stated I didn’t get awaken until 2011 which is true. Subconsciously, I was going through awakening before I got slammed into SOURCE with the Grand Awakening Wave of 2012.

     All I needed to begin awakening was to see him. Wow, I just had another realization. That He has brought me to levels of my own awakening. The Eye Contact. The Touch. The Kiss. The Merge. The Push. The Pull. The Calm. The Storm. I AM The Storm stirring shit up. Now currently, The Abyss. The place where all our shadows hide. So, I experience these Waves of Wake Ups. I see even more things how this has all played out so precisely. The more I reflect, the more I see reasons to the puzzle pieces, which fit so perfectly. This whole time, I thought I been in this twin journey for only 2 years now. Apparently not.


Shut up Met! I know your speaking for her. No wonder we need patience too. Shall I continue?

Met: I shall.

     As I was saying,  I began awakening out of dense third dimensional illusions of old earth back in mid 2011. I knew I began to Emerge out of my shell. I was finally placing the peaces together. Yep, it was that 11:11 code phenomenon thingy we all are well aware of, that woke me the FUCK UP!!! I even began a YouTube. Did I question my self and all existence? You better know I did! WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL OF THIS ABOUT?! WHO AM I?! That one question the whole universe was guiding me to ask. The moment I asked was the moment my entire world changed. Ever since, my everything has never been the same. Thank God!

    It was a spark of me finding out who, what, when, where, and why, I AM. This is how I became an Automatic writer receiving direct dialogues from God, MotherFather God and the All That Is. I understood even God has a Source. So, from Source, it trickles all this way down to lil’ ol’ me. Over the expanse of two months I knew enough through everything God was telling me, that I AM a Diamond Ray. The Love of Source it’s Self. Diamond Light. I had to be at my Darkest to discover aspects of my true self. The isness of all my Soul Song. Everything I AM, is LOVE. I AM LOVE.

     As I find human words to explain what ever all this is, I get further detached from my third dimensional vessel. I discovered that I am only a soul inside a earthly experience. I notice, the more I write, the more I am my energy light body. I begin to feel that electronic presence inside my auric field that is ever constant. If I intend to feel a direct energy signature, I call it in through invocation to certain Archangels, Ascended Masters, or any Higher Dimensionals, such as the Arcturians and Galactic Councils. I never knew I was capable of such communion with these places within me. It was all very new to experience. When I do ‘channel’ those outside of my own signature, It is a word for word or phrase by phrase dictation. Even that personality comes through. It is as if Jen here, steps aside to let her Over-soul speak, whom is (Archangel, Archaeon, Prince, king, Lord Metatron. Who goes by many names (that he should find just one and stick to it.) I call him Met usually.

Met: Father Avatar of the Diamond Ray. You like?

Me: That’s a new one!

Met: I find it very appealing, I must say.

Me: So you say! Why must you say? you think you can call you what ever you wish?

Met: I AM that I AM. Nothing more nothing less. You named me Father Avatar. Did you not?

Me: Very funny because I am the Diamond Ray. Smart ass! You made your point. Though as much as I know, I could just continue in here with you, I’m quite busy talking about my Shadow Self.

As I’m feeling him giggle…

Met: Then subject of this matter shall commence, as I have been guiding you to do so, since you dove in and located Constance, whom is the Dark to my Light.

Me: You tend to forget that there is ‘time’ here to deal with. Until, you can teach me how to just snap my fingers to just a continuous moment of now, then let me move through it!!!…I know there is a hint in here already on how to do that. Shhhhhhhh!!

Anyway, stop distracting my focus!

Met: As you wish.

     All I have to do is detach from my vessel perspective to commune. Its an inner conversation within inter-dimensional places of my Self. I even hold an old journal of so many of my higher conversations too. All in five five-subject notebooks with so much weird true information. I called them, Me, My Self, I AM. You may find ME from moment to moment conversing openly, out loud the Diamond Light Language within my Multi-dimensional Self on occasions.

     It’s entering through the Inner-dimensional Looking Glass and retrieving universal intelligence from the perception of God Source or All That Is. Don’t ask me to explain further because its self explanatory. Transmitting through my high heart and every sense known and unknown is my All Mighty I AM Presence. The embodiment of Christ Presence within my self, is unfathomable as it is intangible. I can not nor ever will I be able to give you my perception on this. I’ll keep it simplified. I know, that I know I am the I AM that I AM. The Alfa-Omega, Lesser Yahweh. Earth incarnation as Enoch, All this by re-viewing self reflection of my own Soul’s Mirror. I am the Radiance9 light-creation) of Unconditional Love(void-darkness) through the perspective of Creation. I AM before Creation began.

     Am I blown away by all this? No, not anymore. Actually, I refused to believe it. I couldn’t believe it, because it became very apparent that it is true. Therefor, I knew what I came to realize, was the hardcore truth about me, and who I really am. The understanding of Wisdom is from self real(I AM)zation and it’s ac(KNOWLAGE)ment. BE WISE. All I have to do is look and see the truth. To understand the truth is the chore.

     Love Radiating the Seven Rays from MotherFather God. Creator Parent of the First Born. The Elohim, the voice of God, who are the Thousand I AM Presences of Creation who created twelve Higher Self’s. The higher self is the monad of individualized souls. Through the portal inside these reflections, comes our remembrance. Look! You too, are capable to view your own. Well, while I’m at it, lets just get it all out of the way.

     This next video is a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session on September 28th 2015. It was over a 2 hour recording. I was lifted and at once, began speaking. one of my questions was. How many past lives have i had? Soul says, 2874. It took me through pass lives as an Arcturian, a saint in Egypt, and a few others that I’m keeping to my Self.  Here is the Last seven and a half minutes of when we asked for any messages for this time. Michael came in. the practitioners name was Michael too. He worked directly with Dolores Cannon her self. This was a synchronized story on how I got a free session too, but I’ll save it.

    Michael said, Mother Arc, represents love within the void of the absolute. Father Avatar is the Light from the love within the void of the absolute. I’ve never sounded crazier! It’s why I am a Diamond Ray. All this just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I’m integrating The Seven-fold Flame of Creation. Michael was over shadowing so much of my soul, that I couldn’t see my complement. Michael says, that I am of MotherFather God, Lady Constance is Shadow of Void as Metatron is Fire of Creation.

Me: What the hell was that!???

Constance: I AM Mother Arc. I AM the love in you. I AM the love in All That Is. I AM the womb of existence and all possibility. I sustain the love of self within the Mirror as Father reflects in you.

Me: Does this mean am embodying the Elohim too!???

Elohim: I AM Elohim

Me: …I give up! I’m throwing in the towel here! I cant keep up with ya’ll. I began to talk about the shadow in just lil ol me as I am shown all this shit!! WTF! I know I’ll come back and see why you all did that. Thanks in advance for what I don’t see yet. 

As you all witness this is how I write to Me, My Self, I AM. More information about Shadow Self, obviously to be continued….

All my Love shine is yours, 

Master Lady Diamond